This cute little couple is my oh so cute sister in law. LOVE HER!! and her boy is awesome. Can't wait till he is part of the family. These are a few of my favs.
The classic shot it seems I do ALL the time! But it looks so good! can you tell those are bird flying over? Or does it look wierd? Any blog stalkers.. Let me know which is your favorite. I am curious to know other peoples views. More on my site. Chow!
you can book a session a few ways, take your pick... -email me- -through the website- (contact section) -call me- (801) 787-7644 Make sure to check my availability on the calendar on my site. Thanks :)
Canon 5D MArk II 24-70mm EF L 2.8 USM 70-200mm 2.8 L IS USM 50mm 1.8 EF 42x72 super silver reflector 2 battery packs with a charger Sekonic L358 Light meter Canon Speedlight 430EX flash CF cards ( like 10 of them) Big interchangeable reflector (White, Silver, Gold and White/silver) White balance target Small silver reflector Batteries, Lens cleaners,business cards and what ever else get tossed in..
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